Have questions about women’s health physical therapy? We’re here to help.

What is pelvic floor therapy?

The pelvic floor is evaluated by a specially trained physical therapist. We assess the ability to the pelvic floor to contract, relax and lengthen. We feel for any tension or tenderness in the muscles of the pelvic floor. After the evaluation we will give you exercises or stretches to help alleviate your symptoms.

What is women’s health physical therapy?

Women’s health physical therapy addresses common issues many women face such as urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, c-section pain, abdominal separation following pregnancy and pain with sexual intercourse, to name a few. Yes, there’s physical therapy for that! These issues are generally addressed through pelvic floor therapy.

What should I expect during my first visit?

The first visit is your evaluation. Pelvic floor physical therapists have had special training to properly evaluate the pelvic floor. Before the evaluation begins, you will need to fill out paperwork and sign a consent for treatment. Once that is completed you will be brought back into a private room with your physical therapist.

The evaluation begins with a history of symptoms. You will get to tell your story, explain how long you have had symptoms, what you think contributed to your symptoms etc. Specifics questions will be asked by your therapist in order for her to gain a full understanding of the issue. Once this background has been established, your physical therapist will perform an orthopedic screen which she means she will look at your hip and back range of motion, flexibility and strength.

Once this is complete you will undress from the waist down for the pelvic floor evaluation. The therapist will fully explain the process at the evaluation. The pelvic floor muscles are palpated for any tenderness or tightness. You will be asked to contract, relax and lengthen your pelvic floor. Again, your physical therapist will talk you through all of this at the time. But know, that you are always in charge and if you are feeling uncomfortable, please tell your therapist right away.

What if I am uncomfortable with a pelvic floor exam?

There could be many reasons that a pelvic floor can make you feel uncomfortable. We understand. Please discuss this with your physical therapist and you can come up with a plan that will make you feel comfortable. There might be external soft tissue areas, like in the thighs and stomach that your therapist can work on and as you work with your therapist you might feel more comfortable with having a pelvic floor evaluation.

Do you accept insurance?

We are out of network with insurance companies, but we work with you to find out what your coverage is and how much you will be covered. Please contact us for more information.

How often will I need to come into physical therapy?

We usually see our clients once a week or once every other week, and sometimes less often, depending on your goals and schedule as well as what we find during the evaluation. We rely heavily on home exercises so after the evaluation your therapist might want you to work on getting certain muscles to work together before she sees you again. We will discuss the plan at the end of the evaluation.